Ah just 286 days till retirement. Or is it? Continue to struggle with the entire thing because, 1, not sure I have enough cash saved to do what I want, 2, not really sure what I want, 3 not sure what my wife wants, 4 work is sucking the life out of me and mostly all I can do these days is to try and survive till I can make the decision. I put my motorcycle up for sale, a sweet BMW 1200GSA that I foolishly thought I would take to south America next year but find I am not really comfortable riding that big bike, so its going. Also put up my 40 foot Foretravel RV for sale as well cause I really don't want to be driving it myself and with my wife 6 years out before she can retire, and she seems to think she will live a long time, and she likes her job, it's a dilemma.

Since I have not much energy to do much, I dream. Sailboat in the Greek Isles, or the Sea of Cortez? Or perhaps 3 years of refitting a old boat in Mexico or Rio Dulce? Or just take the RV to Mexico and call it done. Come up to see my wife every once in a while and have her come see me every once in a while... might be good for the marriage. Not sure at this point, but this I know, when its time, I WILL know, and WILL make a decision, even if its the wrong one, cause to do otherwise is to be paralyzed, and that I can not do.
Now how many days is that again, and what is that in working days.... how about weekends........